J3 would like to assure all of its customers that the recent actions taken by the Stars of Karting does not affect the vast majority. Of the prominent organizations within North America regarding TaG, the Vortex ROK TT will be an option and it will be so with relative fair rulings. TaG USA will release their rule set in the coming months and WKA has already done so. No need to panic, J3 will still be giving our customers unparalleled support in this area. Yes, our fill-rates will continue to hover around 100% on all ROK TT items as they have been all season long. Yes, we have engines in-stock and ready and for shipment!

We almost forgot to mention that Yes, we are the 2008 Stars of Karting TaG Champions!!!! 2009 will be left up to whoever is the best IAME driver. Unfortunately for this driver, the title will have relatively no worth.

See you in Vegas, Baby!

Posted: 10/17/2008



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