After several years of working diligently developing a ‘behind-the-scenes’ platform geared toward educating its customer base, J3 Competition Inc. was pleased to unveil its ‘J3 Competition University’ this past weekend. Geared as a standalone program to create unparalleled value to its client base on all fronts, the exciting curriculum has set , yet again a new standard in the industry by J3 Competition.
The University is based on both educational seminars with curriculum covering; Data Analysis, Health & Fitness, Technical Concepting, Driver Technique, and several other critical components. J3 University involves an on track portion as well as classroom education. This all-encompassing program offers enhanced knowledge that educates not only the students (drivers), but as seen this past weekend, team staff members as well as parents being futhrer educated on important topics.

J3 Competition Physical Training Time!

J3 Competition Physical Training Time!

Utilizing a combination of J3 Competition’s Race Department and its Sales Department infrastructure, students are offered a classroom setting with the latest technology and presentation materials. J3 Competition’s dynamic sales structure allows for a classroom where activity can take place onsite ensuring efficiency while offering a capacity that can hold up to 15 students while simultaneously utilizing standard classroom tools such as; High Resolution ppt. presentations viewed on two separate 41″ tv monitors coupled with paperback materials.
J3 University goes ‘live’ on track as well, where students are able to test the latest materials available at J3 Competition all the while under strict guidance. Monitored by management and correlated with Unipro data collection, students can access an unparalleled cache of resources. Testing materials and techniques while having access to such data channels as steering, throttle, and brake inputs aid in progess along with the utilization of software functions such as ‘delta’ and ‘split’ timing ensures accurate and proven results.

A Few J3 University Drivers

A Few J3 University Drivers

Interested students should contact J3 Competition University directly at Technical@J3Competition.com in order to find class availability and requirement information.
J3 Competition University is a direct function operating within J3 Competition Inc. framework. J3 Competition is an industry leader in offering Race Department operations along with leading products such as; J3 Competition, Unipro, RK, DID, Oakley, EVS, Lucky Design, Rotax-BRP, and OTK Kart Group. For sales information please contact Sales@J3Competition.com or 814-864-1846.

About J3 Competition:
J3 Competition Inc. is an undisputed leader in Race Services since 2004, providing the necessary tooling and management to take drivers to the next level. Starting in 2015 through its COMPKART ™ brand, J3 Competition will provide a full line of high-quality chassis and products designed and engineered for the Karting industry alongside it potent Race Department. J3 Competition will aim to deliver the COMPKART ™ chassis line to the North American market as well as customers globally in 2015 and beyond with unprecedented performance and service. With its content, B2B, and B2C websites presently under construction, please visit http://www.j3competition.com along with all its social media outlets to stay up to date on the latest releases and happenings regarding the COMPKART brand.



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